Devon Rotary Club Criteria for Charitable Financial Support
Devon Rotary Club Criteria for Charitable Financial Support
The Rotary Club of Devon, through the use of its charitable donations, is committed to supporting community, educational, cultural, and international activities that subscribed to Rotary ideals as expressed by the Rotary “Four Way Test”. We want to have a significant impact with each of our contributions and to participate in projects, which will give Devon Rotary Club recognition to help further its community efforts.
The Rotary International Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Statement
As a global network that strives to build a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change, Rotary values diversity and celebrates the contributions of people of all backgrounds, regardless of their age, ethnicity, race, color, abilities, religion, socioeconomic status, culture, sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity.
Rotary will cultivate a diverse, equitable, and inclusive culture in which people from underrepresented groups have greater opportunities to participate as members and leaders.
Guidelines for eligibility:
- All request for donations are to be made in writing with sufficient documentation and lead, so that the Devon Rotary Club Board of Directors at a regularly scheduled monthly board meeting may act upon the request. Application for Charitable Financial support should be used.
- A project or organization that is requesting donation should be located in the general Milford area or serve Milford residents. National or statewide organizations must provide substantial direct benefit to the Milford community to be considered.
- Donations or grants are one time support and for a single Rotary year July thru June. Reapplication is necessary for additional consideration or contributions.
- Funding will not be considered for the following.
- Activities of Organizations that cannot demonstrate nonprofit status, credibility of financial records and board of directors.
- Activities sponsored by organizations having an established fundraising system that are not end user.
- Activities that benefit only one individual without a corresponding benefit to the community.
- Funds that go to an organizations general fund or operating expenses.
- Retroactive funding.
- Activities of religious and private organizations that serve primarily their membership.
- School construction, including playground equipment.
- Annual fund drives.
- Improvements or additions to land and property which might revert back to private ownership or be sold.
- Organizations or projects in which Devon Rotary Club members are actively involved will be given priority.
- The Board of Directors of the Devon Rotary Club may approve any charitable contribution by proper vote, whether or not the contribution complies with this policy.
Devon Rotary Application for Charitable Financial Support
( please send on your organizations letterhead)
Today's date:
1. Legal name of organization
2. Telephone & fax numbers
3. Address of organization
4. Chief executive officer (CEO) / Executive Director Title Email
5. Contact person for this application, if different from CEO / Executive Director Telephone and email
6. Principal purposes and services of your organization:
7. Geographic area served:
8. Specific purpose for which funds are requested: Is this is a new program?
Yes___ No ______
9. Amount requested $_______________
Period of time in which funds will be spent:
10. Please indicate any other organizations that might be supporting this project
11. Letter from IRS stating 501(c)(3) tax status: yes:____ no: ____ (please attach copy)
12. Does the Organization have a relationship with Devon Rotary? Yes____ No_____
If yes, in what capacity?
Please submit all materials as a PDF to [email protected]
Or mail to:
Devon Rotary
P.O. Box 421
Milford Ct 06460
Copy and paste the questions above.